\A Ladies Kitty Party at Vaksana Farm offers a perfect blend of relaxation, entertainment, and delightful interactions with nature and animals. Designed to cater to the preferences of women looking to enjoy a leisurely day with friends, this event promises a unique and memorable experience. Here’s a detailed outline of what a Ladies Kitty Party at Vaksana Farm stay could include:

Welcome and Reception

Warm Welcome: Guests are greeted with a traditional welcome, including refreshing welcome drinks made from farm-fresh ingredients.

Orientation: A brief introduction to the farm stay, its amenities, and the activities planned for the day.

Themed Decorations and Ambiance

Elegant Decor: The party area is beautifully decorated with elegant and feminine touches, including floral arrangements, fairy lights, and comfortable seating.

Nature’s Touch: The natural beauty of Vaksana Farm stay, with its lush greenery and serene surroundings, enhances the ambience.

Interactive Activities and Games

Traditional Games: Engage in traditional Indian games like tambala (bingo), antakshari (singing competition), and musical chairs.

Craft Workshops: Participate in DIY workshops to create handmade crafts, such as jewellery-making, pottery, or fabric painting.

Gardening: Enjoy a guided gardening session where guests can plant saplings and learn about sustainable farming practices.

Petting and Feeding Farm Animals

Animal Interaction: Spend time petting and feeding the friendly animals at the farm, including cows, goats, chickens, and the resident cats.

Therapeutic Sessions: Participate in therapeutic activities like feeding the animals, which can be calming and joyful.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga Session: Start the day with a rejuvenating yoga session led by an experienced instructor, focusing on relaxation and mindfulness.

Meditation: Engage in a guided meditation session in the serene environment of the farm, promoting mental well-being and stress relief.

Cooking Demonstrations and Food Tasting

Traditional Cuisine: Enjoy a live cooking demonstration of traditional Tamil Nadu dishes, learning recipes and cooking techniques.

Tasting Session: Savor a variety of wholesome and nutritious dishes prepared with farm-fresh ingredients, including local specialties and homemade podis and pickles.

High Tea: Relish a high tea session featuring a selection of teas, coffee, and delectable snacks like sandwiches, pastries, and fruit platters.

Spa and Wellness Treatments

Mini Spa: Indulge in mini spa treatments such as head massages, foot soaks, and hand massages, using natural and organic products.

Relaxation Corners: Relax in cozy nooks with comfortable seating, where guests can chat, read, or simply unwind.

Photo Booth and Souvenirs

Themed Photo Booth: Capture fun moments at a themed photo booth with props and backdrops, creating lasting memories.

Souvenirs: Take home eco-friendly souvenirs such as handcrafted soaps, organic honey, or handmade crafts as a memento of the day.

Workshops and Talks

Health and Wellness Talk: Attend a short talk on health and wellness, covering topics like nutrition, fitness, and mental health.

Sustainable Living Workshop: Learn about sustainable living practices and how to incorporate them into daily life.


A Ladies Kitty Party at Vaksana Farm stay is a delightful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, offering a perfect blend of relaxation, entertainment, and meaningful interactions with nature and animals. This unique gathering is designed to create lasting memories, strengthen bonds, and provide a refreshing and rejuvenating experience for all the guests.

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Book your stay – Click here 

Or please contact Mrs. Sujani – 9841282266