Chapter 11:

It’s a Farm Stay. Not a Resort

Vaksana Farm Stay

As you embark on your farm vacation, it is essential to approach your stay with the right mentality—one that acknowledges the farm as a family’s cherished home, not merely a resort. In this chapter, we invite you to leave behind the expectations of a typical resort experience and instead embrace the authentic warmth and hospitality of a family-run farm. By understanding that you are stepping into someone’s home, you open yourself to the genuine connections and unique charm that can only be found in the heart of a loving family’s abode.

Being Mindful

Farmstays do not have the kind of manpower that Resorts usually employ. Hence, expect lower turnaround time for any of your service requests. Please remember for most farmstay hosts, this is an additional part time work. In addition to running their farm and taking care of family, they need to tend to guests. By being mindful of this, you set yourself the right expectations.

Cultivating a Sense of Belonging:

Recognizing the farm as a family’s home fosters a sense of belonging—a genuine connection that transcends the boundaries of a typical tourist destination.

Understanding the difference:

When you walk into a resort’s restaurant, you will find a massive buffet spread. You will never find this at a farm stay. The variety of food will be way lesser. Most likely, a couple of dishes. Again, its important to think of farm stays as a home instead of a resort.

Valuing Authentic Hospitality:

As guests in a family’s home, you are welcomed with authentic hospitality—a warm embrace that goes beyond scripted gestures. You won’t find a receptionist behind a desk instead you will find ever-helpful hosts willing to guide you with a smile.

Nurturing Cultural Exchange:

Staying at a family’s farm allows for a delightful cultural exchange—learning about their way of life and sharing your own experiences. An opportunity to bond with the host family.

Creating Lasting Memories:

By embracing the farm as a family’s home, you create lasting memories of genuine connections and heartfelt experiences etched in your heart.


Approaching your farm stay with the mentality of visiting a family’s home (and NOT as a resort) is a journey of authentic connection—a dance with the warmth and hospitality that can only be found within the embrace of a loving family-run farm. As you step into their world, let yourself be embraced by the personal touches, cultural exchange, and cherished memories that unfold when you recognize and celebrate the farm as more than a mere resort.