7-Cup Cake (or 7-Cup Burfi)

Serves: 6


  • 1 cup Gram flour
  • 1 cup Freshly grated coconut
  • 1 cup Almonds & cashews mixed and ground coarse
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 1 cup Ghee (clarified butter)
  • 2 cups Sugar


Roasting the Flour:

In a thick-bottomed pan, dry roast the gram flour on a low-medium flame until you get a pleasant aroma. This will remove the flour’s raw taste and enhance the sweet’s flavour. Ensure you stir continuously to avoid the flour from burning.

Roasting the Coconut:

In another thick-bottomed panroast the freshly grated coconut for a few minutes. This will help reduce the coconut’s moisture content and enhance the flavour. Add the roasted gram flour to this and mix well.

Adding Ghee:

Gradually add the ghee to the mixture, stirring continuously to ensure an even blend. The ghee helps bind the ingredients together and adds sweetness to the sweetness.

Incorporating Sugar:

Add the 2 cups of sugar and mix well. The sugar will melt, and the mixture will become more liquid.

Adding Milk:

Slowly add the milk to the pan, mixing continuously. The milk provides moisture and softness to the burfi. Add little ghee if needed to combine.

Dry Fruits:

Mix in the ground mixture of almonds and cashews. These nuts provide a great texture contrast and add a delightful nutty flavour.

Cooking the Mixture:

Continue stirring the mixture on a medium flame. As the mixture cooks, it will start to thicken. Ensure you scrape the sides of the pan to prevent burning.

Testing the Consistency:

To check if the mixture is ready, take a small portion and form a ball. If it starts without sticking to your fingers, it is ready.

Setting the Burfi:

Grease a tray or a flat dish with ghee. Pour the hot mixture onto the tray and spread it evenly using a flat spatula. Allow it to cool for a bit.

Cutting the Burfi:

Once slightly cooled but still soft, mark the pieces using a sharp knife. You can cut them into squares or diamonds. Allow it to cool completely.


Once completely cooled, separate the pieces and store them in an airtight container.

Enjoy your 7-cup cake or burfi with friends and family!